5G Rugged, Edge-Compute & Communication Gateway

6Harmonics. Rugged, Edge-Compute & Communication Gateway

CISCO Partner This product works with Cisco network elements in an integrated industrial network solution!
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5G Rugged Edge Compute & Communications

RECC product images

Arm-based quad-core SoC, capable of hosting multiple containerized services

Wirespeed multi GE ports networking

Full featured local gateway services
e.g., NAT, firewall, VPN, etc

Expandable with standard wireless technologies
e.g., Wi-Fi/LTE/5G/LoRa

Purpose-built cloud orchestration for device, container, and application management

Built-in IMU for sensing vibration/motion/etc.

GPS location/timing

Amphenol 4.3-10 RF connector not requiring weatherproofing


All-in-one solution for Isolated Sites

Remote IoT & Industry 4.0 real-time on-prem applications – O&G, Mining, Electrical Utilities, Precision Agriculture, Forestry

Local Analytics and Automation even when offline

Heavy Equipment Mobile Router

Onshore, Offshore, and H2S